2016 Golden Gate Award
The grassy islands that divide Dolores Street are one of the most visible casualties of San Francisco’s drought. Withered brown patches have been spreading through the once lush medians since the city staunched their irrigation in an effort to conserve water. The solution seemed obvious – to tear out the thirsty turf and populate the medians with plants that have evolved to thrive under drier conditions. Enter the Pollinator Boulevard.

UC Berkely–Designing for Difference
This class incorporates traditional methods of evaluation for user-oriented approach to design such as Post-occupancy evaluation as a tool for understanding use of designed open spaces. It also examines new technologies such as social media as a tool for outreach and the relationship of the built environment to the digital world. We consider design as a communication process, environmental needs of vulnerable populations–children, elderly, disabled, low-income families, and personal and societal environmental values.

Artists walk for bees in almond orchards in Stanislaus, elsewhere
Artists from Oregon are walking 100 miles along California almond orchards over five days to draw attention to the honeybee crisis. The three – Meesha Goldberg, Joanna Brook and Kaylee Holz – were to be joined this week by three beekeepers.

Workshop: Sebastopol Village Building Convergence
How can we heal the earth through healing the life of bees? This presentation will be a short introduction into the hidden qualities of Honeybees and their relevance within the global biosphere. We will learn about the complex relationship between pollinators, plants, and people.

ASLA–Pesticides and Pollinators: Policy, Practice, Activism
A talk about the complex relationship between pollinators, plants, and people. Investigate topics around pesticides and pollinators and how policies are creating change. Examine how pollinator habitats are equally dependent on maintenance agreements and initial landscape designs. Discover ways to support pollinators, from home landscapes to national forums.